A Pleasant Day at the Beach

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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Siralai Mahr

Siralai turned to Arksynn as a thought belatedly occurred to her. "If you have any belongings here that you wish to retrieve - or know of anything Reyth left that she'll want to keep - you should take a moment to gather them. I assume it goes without saying that you should do so as quickly as possible."

When they emerged from the building, Siralai breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Trystan had managed to land the ship on a flat terrace a short distance away. She was proud of her husband's piloting skill; it wouldn't have been easy to put that ship down so precisely in an urban center. And she was also glad Pyrran had made the suggestion that they include a pilot in the mission. It was paying off. Of course, the risky landing was a trade-off, too, because it would draw attention quickly. They would have to move fast, to get away in time.

Easier said than done... particularly when the courtyard suddenly began filling with a line of Imperial troops, standing between them and their destination. Siralai drew her lightsaber and took a breath. She hated cutting down Imperial soldiers like so much fodder. Not because it was difficult - taking life was far too easy, from a purely physical standpoint. But because every enemy was a life like Trystan's. A person. Someone important. Maybe a conscript, maybe someone who knew no other way of life. Someone who should have had a chance. She had to stop seeing Trystan's face in her mind, when she looked at each of them. But sometimes the killing had to be done. They had lives to save.

"Stand aside!" Siralai called, as if she expected to be obeyed. She wasn't - nor did she really think it was likely. "No one has to die, if you just allow us to pass." None of the soldiers moved. And now their apparent leader, a Pureblood Sith, stepped to the front of the formation. Siralai was about to address him - but Pyrran spoke first.


The Sith fixed Pyrran with a glare. "So the rumors are true. My useless, worthless son proves his lack of value once again. When I heard that you were cavorting around the city with slaves and Jedi, I thought even you wouldn't stoop so low. Clearly I was mistaken. I have never been more disappointed in you... and that's saying a lot, in the face of the constant disappointments. I think I sold the wrong ones of my children into slavery..."

As he spoke, Pyrran seemed to deflate. He'd heard these words often enough - but now his friends, people he respected, were hearing them too. Now they too would know his own father thought him worthless. But then something else caught him up short...

"Sold...?" Pyrran demanded angrily. "You sold them, Father?! All those years I spent searching for them, I thought they had just been taken by chance, but it was you...?"

"Of course it was me. You stupid boy. You can't imagine random slavers would go after Purebloods of our noble standing? I can't believe you were too foolish or blind to figure that out."

"How could you? To your own daughters!" Pyrran was outraged, and horrified - but he had to admit, it fit. It all fit. Now he knew why his father had been absent when the twins were taken. Pyrran had been left alone to try to fight the slavers, and had been left with only scars on his face and missing sisters when he lost the fight. Now he knew why he was the only one in the family trying to get the girls back.

"Yes, I sold them. They were a reminder of the loss of your mother, and it was a way to be sure I was rid of them. They didn't deserve the honor of Korriban. Nor, it appears, did you." His eyes drifted to Vette. "And let me guess. Darth Baras warned me you'd been up to hanky panky with Twi'leks. Is this the little tramp? What do you really think of my pathetic son, girl?"

Vette was puffed up like an angry cat. She knew she was being baited - but couldn't resist rising to it. "He isn't pathetic! He's a better man than you."

The elder Sith lord laughed. "He's scarcely a man at all. He's never been strong enough to get out from under my boot. You like the scars on his back? Those are from my belt. Just a little reminder for him to carry..."

"Enough!" Siralai shouted. Delay could sometimes serve to reveal an enemy's weakness, but in this case there seemed nothing to be gained by letting this Sith hurl endless insults at Pyrran. She just hoped that the young man didn't mind that his father was about to die. She sprinted forward, and her gold lightsaber blade locked with the Sith's red one.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Teizi Lin and Arksynn

When Siralai suggested he retrieve any of his and Reyth's belongings, he gave a little shrug and appeared content to stand and wait for the group to get underway. He and Reyth didn't have anything other than the clothes on their backs and their lightsabers. They'd learned early on that any possession they had became twisted, used or broken by their master, so they'd simply given up on having anything of personal significance.

There was something he needed to do before he left, though. The others had gone into the corridor, and Arksynn alone remained at the opening to the main room - poised as if he stood at the maw of a great beast. The machine had to go. No more experiments. He threw his lightsaber into the invisible beams holding the great artifact in place. Again and again, he tossed it, hearing the blade strike against metal until with a great groan, the machine finally gave way to gravity. He ran blindly down the corridor even as the thunderous crash reverberated through the plating all around him and the golden flare of a fire lit up the darkness behind him. Once outside, he ran to catch up with the group, blade still drawn. He saw the soldiers before he saw their ship waiting for them - so close - and now another barrier.

Teizi drew up near Cheketta, taking his shoulder and guiding him away from Pyrran to a bench just a little behind them. Here, she set down her burden, slipping the knot over her head and laying Neva's head on Cheketta's lap. It was a defensible position - the back of the bench area was closed off by a statue, leaving access only from the front. A group of six troopers broke off from the main line, rifles at the ready, when they saw the Jedi take a knee. They assumed she was getting ready to admit defeat - after all, their little group was outnumbered and on enemy territory.

Teizi felt their approach, but turned to Arksynn instead. "Arksynn. I need you to block any stray shots - we came this far - we must protect the people we came to save."

The young Zabrak looked insulted to be given orders and opened his mouth to reply that maybe she was the one who should stay behind, but she was gone. Without lifting her head, Teizi Force-leapt into the group of soldiers and in one smooth movement, brought her blades to bear in a sweeping arc of light. Four soldiers went down, the next two were dispatched with raw efficiency before she jumped ahead into the main line of troops. These soldiers might not interrupt a fight between a Sith lord and his quarry, but she couldn't be certain that they wouldn't mow down the rest of them or simply shoot the enemy combattants in the back. It was her job to make sure their fire was centred on her. She blocked blaster fire from behind as she put her left blade through another man, then swept her blades around her to produce a short-lived shield. It would have to be enough. In order to draw their fire, she needed to appear as the greatest threat, which meant she needed to engage as many as possible in as short of time as possible. In two jumps, she had attacked the middle and opposing flanks of the squadron. Chaos erupted as friendly blaster rifle fire took down soldiers in between Teizi's strikes.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Pyrran Onyk

Pyrran wasn't going to leave Siralai to face his father alone. Teizi seemed to have the troopers well in hand, and Arksynn was protecting Neva and Cheketta, so Pyrran was free to jump into the fray. His red lightsabers matched his father's, but his visage didn't - Pyrran was angry, while his father merely sneered. The sneer faded when Pyrran and Siralai got the upper hand. Pyrran knew what he had to do. This responsibility was his, not Siralai's. He had to take the accounting, on his sisters' behalf - and on his own. The man who had beaten and belittled Pyrran for his whole childhood could not win this final battle. Pyrran tried to think of some good last words before striking the final blow, but nothing came to mind. No pithy statement would be sufficient to cover the years of pain, all the damage done to his psyche. So Pyrran said nothing. He just plunged his blade into his father's chest, as he and Siralai gained the upper hand.

His father's expression combined shock, horror, and rage. "Foolish boy! You will never..." The elder Sith lord's hands moved. Even as he drew his own last breath, he channeled what remained of his energy into using the Force to break off a chunk of masonry from the nearby building and ram it into Pyrran, catching the younger man in the chest with the massive piece of stone while hurling him against the wall.

Pyrran collapsed in a heap as his father's life ended. Siralai and Vette both ran to him; Siralai made it there first and knelt beside him. Pyrran met her eyes and smiled. He wished Siralai was his mother. She had been so kind to him, unlike the distant maternal presence in his own childhood. His life would have been so different...

Then Vette was with them too. His sweet, beloved Vette - who had no idea she was beloved. "Please!" Vette told Siralai frantically. "I know Jedi aren't supposed to help Sith, but please..."

Siralai had started healing him before Vette even finished speaking. "You don't have to beg, Vette. Of course I'll help. Hang in there, Pyrran."

Pyrran thought surely he was going to die. Siralai's healing took the edge off the pain, but he knew there was a lot of damage. He had crushed ribs... and surely much worse internal damage. But at least he could die happy. Everyone he loved was finally safe. He met Vette's eyes. "I love you," he whispered. "You don't have to love me back. I just wanted you to know."

"But I do..." Vette whispered back. She leaned down and kissed him.

Pyrran was smiling as he faded into unconsciousness. Siralai kept healing the young Sith lord as Vette looked on. The former Jedi was very conscious of how short their time was. As soon as Pyrran was stable enough to move, she said, "Let's get to the ship. I can finish there."

With all their injured people, the trip to the ship wasn't smooth or impressive, but they made it. Siralai breathed a sigh of relief when they were airborne and the lights of Dromund Kaas were fading away behind them. It was clear that Neva needed the Kolto tank. Pyrran was given the nearby medical bed.

Once their course was locked in, Trystan allowed himself a brief moment to check on their wounded. It was during that brief stop that Pyrran happened to open his eyes - barely conscious, still very confused. "Dad...?" he said softly, before slipping away again.

Trystan nodded and squeezed the young man's hand. "I'm here," he said. Noting Vette's quizzical gaze, he explained with faint embarrassment, "I know he doesn't realize it's me. I know he's asking for his actual father. But I thought it might be a comfort if I..."

Vette shook her head, still looking at the two of them. "Nope, he's not. He knows who you are. He always called the other guy 'Father.' Never 'Dad.'"

This brought Trystan up short. For a moment, he was silent. Then he took Pyrran's hand again. "I'm here, son," he said.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Teizi Lin

She had picked up Neva and provided support for Cheketta to walk to the ship. Their progress was slow, which gave her time to catch her breath, but left her concerned that they may be impeded further by another security detail. The Republic man shifted slightly and Teizi chanced a glance at him, noting that Arksynn had come alongside the man and was now taking some of his weight as well. There was hope for the apprentice yet, she thought to herself, though no such emotion of pride or pleasure showed on her face.

There was some debate as to who most required the Kolto tank - Pyrran was in rather severe shape now and Teizi didn't have the ability to Force-heal to help Siralai's efforts along - but it was Neva's body going into shock that propelled her into the highest rank of triage. Teizi unwound her from her sling and tossed her in the tank herself. Lingering just long enough to make sure the Zabrak's life signs were stable, she moved out of the crowded medbay in an attempt to find some space to herself.

Arksynn appeared beside her, his eyes lit up with excitement rather than narrowed in suspicion for once. "That was amazing! The bodies were literally piled up! Are you sure you didn't train on Korriban?"

While the boy's words were evidently meant as complimentary, they brought an immense weight down on the Jedi. Unable to reply, she merely stared at him until he swallowed and stepped off, presumably to find Siralai. Trystan passed her by on his way to the medbay and she took the opportunity to find solace on the silent bridge. The stars were mere streaks of light as the ship plunged through space at hyper-speed, otherwise the bridge was dimly lit. She chose a spot in the corner and sat cross-legged, prepared to meditate. But found that she was unfocused. Her mind was churning over her activities of the day - beginning at the beach and extending to Dromund Kaas. She had behaved poorly in front of a Jedi Master, abetted a murder by a Sith, turned a blind eye to certain malicious activities, went on a rogue mission to exterminate a Darth, rescued a lowly freighter captain and a general no one wanted, and slaughtered a number of Imperial citizens before escaping on a Sith Lord's ship. And the day wasn't over yet.

A heavy sigh pushed some of her thoughts away and Teizi began to focus on the vast nothingness of space before her. If she was going to reconnect with the Force, she needed to clear the way.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Siralai Mahr

As soon as they were on their way back, Siralai got on the holocom to Rossi to update her. She knew Rossi would be worried, even if she didn't say anything; their Sith daughter was more sensitive than she appeared. Siralai was honest about the condition Neva and Pyrran were in - Rossi would see for herself soon enough, and it would only be more difficult to handle in person if she glossed over it now - but assured her that all of their party had survived, and they were on their way back, with the addition of Cheketta.

Rossi was relieved, and assured her mother that she would let her siblings know the good news. Which, of course, now included updating Vanity and Apathy about Pyrran. Rossi would be honest too, as her mother had, but would downplay the injuries and focus on the positive that he was alive and on his way back to them.

Siralai then passed the holocom to Arksynn, and asked him to update Reyth on the mission. He was free to tell Reyth whatever he saw fit about what had happened on Dromund Kaas. The important thing, as far as Siralai was concerned, was that Reyth should see he was alive and unharmed.

"I'm proud of you," Siralai told Arksynn in passing as she handed off the holo device. "You were an asset on this mission. Well done."

Once they landed on Rishi, there was a Kolto tank available for Pyrran too, and Siralai was relieved that both Neva and the young Sith lord were able to receive the medical care they needed. After greeting her other children and getting a status update on what had happened in their absence, Siralai stepped in to share the load of healing with Visper, so the other Jedi could conserve her energy. Siralai made sure to let Visper know that Darth Baras would no longer be a threat to Felix. They still needed to determine who had been feeding information to Baras in the first place, but the immediate danger had been eliminated. Visper seemed very relieved - though Siralai knew her mind couldn't be fully at ease until the whole matter was settled. In the meantime, though, Siralai had an idea that might help.

"I think you should keep traveling with us," Siralai told Visper. "You and Felix and your girls. If you want to. Unless you have other plans. It'll be safety in numbers for all of us."

"I'll talk to Felix about it," Visper replied. "But I think it's a good idea." The relief was evident in her voice. There were still loose ends. There almost always were. But at least for now, it appeared they would have a respite.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

((Joint post. Cast in order of appearance)) Dallyn, Visper Averrod, Grand Master Satele Shan, Teizi Lin

Dallyn had done everything he could to help out, but he felt like his efforts were terribly inadequate. Master Visper’s healing abilities were amazing and she knew so much about medicine that she could really help those girls. Not like him. He didn’t know the first thing about treating someone with a spice addiction, let alone whatever Tacia was suffering from. All he could do was draw water, help Jasper make meals for the kids and adults, and generally try to help keep the little ones busy and out of trouble. It didn’t feel like much, not compared to what was happening on Dromund Kaas. He was starting to feel like Master Teizi had played him for an idiot when his comm chirped. Immediately forgetting about his dreary day, he picked up the comm, expecting news from the mission.

Except it wasn’t his master on the comm.

“G…grand Master Shan! Uh, I wasn’t expecting…”

Satele looked less than impressed and clearly wasn’t willing to stand through a stuttering padawan’s speech. She cut him off, her voice even. “Padawan. Where is Jedi Lin?”

“Oh, uh, well…she uh…the fact is…that she…um…” Dallyn’s mind frantically tried to put together an answer. Should he tell the Grand Master the truth? Of course he should! But he didn’t want to throw his own master to the arkdogs, either. Could he phrase it in such a way that it didn’t sound like what master Teizi said it would? Like they’d done something terrible enough to get expelled from the Order?

The Grand Master sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Let me make this easier on you, padawan. There have been Imperial reports of a Jedi incursion on Dromund Kaas and from the footage the SIS has managed to capture, it appears Jedi Lin was there – despite the fact that Sith Intelligence is currently claiming Master Averrod was responsible for…”

This time, it was Satele’s turn to be cut off as Dallyn suddenly burst out laughing. He just as quickly turned even paler than he had been already, cleared his throat and attempted to make his face appear as grave and impassive as Teizi’s would have been. “I’m sorry Grand Master, it’s just that…well, they don’t look anything alike. How could Intelligence have mixed them up?”

Master Shan appeared puzzled, if still thoroughly unimpressed with the whole conversation, “Padawan, when did you meet Master Averrod that you’d know this?”

This, Dallyn had an answer for. “Oh, we met today. She’s actually just in another room.”

Passing by the door, Visper happened to overhear enough of the conversation to realize her name had been mentioned. She ducked into the holocom’s field of vision.

“Hello, Grand Master,” Visper said. “Jedi Lin was called away on an urgent mission - I assume she’s the person you’re trying to reach. Is there something I can help you with instead?”

“Master Averrod. It’s good to see you.” Satele’s tone suggested that this was true, though the irritation was still visible on her face. “It is this ‘urgent mission’ that I’d like to discuss - our allies are not impressed that there was an assault on the Imperial homeworld without so much as a comm from the Jedi Council. The reports coming in of mass power outages and fires throughout Kaas City and an execution of an entire platoon has the Republic Senate in somewhat of a state. Imagine their reaction when we had to tell them we had no knowledge of such a mission. Your...insight would be appreciated.”

“I apologize that we were not able to brief you on the mission beforehand,” Visper said, seemingly sincerely. “Unfortunately, there simply was not time. We had to act immediately to prevent a Sith plot that could have caused untold chaos and threatened Republic interests. I would be happy to brief you in more detail, but I will begin by saying in summary that of the concerns you listed, the only action done directly by a Jedi was to battle Imperial soldiers. To call it ‘execution’ is factually inaccurate. The soldiers were preventing the rescue of Republic prisoners, and were given the opportunity to stand down. They knowingly chose to engage a Jedi. Everything else you spoke of was done by either a Sith or a free agent. Although - if I may speak freely - all of the actions taken during the Dromund Kaas mission should be supported by the Order regardless, because they were for the greater good.”

Satele didn’t appear wholly convinced that a holo would have cost too much time to send, but listened to Visper’s discourse with interest. The last sentence, however, garnered a raised eyebrow. “That’s a lot to ask, Master Averrod, when I don’t have the full story - and when I know you weren’t actually there. Did Jedi Lin give you this information you just shared? Some of the reports coming out of Dromund Kaas say that there were two Jedi involved. Is this the case?”

“I was involved in the mission, Grand Master,” Visper replied. “I did not accompany the team to Dromund Kaas. My role was to provide support here on Rishi. We had wounded to tend to already, and the Sith had an objective here that I had to safeguard. I was an active participant, however, and I bear as much responsibility as Jedi Lin does for what took place. To answer your question, no, that information is not correct, though the confusion is understandable. Only one Jedi went to Dromund Kaas. I would assume that reports of the other refer to Siralai Mahr, who was present of her own volition and is no longer under the Order’s authority.”

Not under their authority, but typically on good terms with them, at least. Visper figured it couldn’t hurt to drop that name - especially when that name also happened to be the sister of a senator.

The fact that Visper had addressed the underlying question while placing herself firmly in the crosshairs of Republic ire was impressive - and reminded Satele why Consulars were so well respected. A few simple phrases and suddenly a disastrous rogue mission became a perfectly sanctionable action. She was going to have to push a padawan on Master Averrod at some point so she could train up a few recruits to follow in her esteemed footsteps, but with everything that had happened...well, Satele was inclined to give Visper some additional leeway. The identity of the remaining unknown entity provided, the Grand Master sighed and could have chuckled herself. Of course it was Siralai Mahr.

“Very well, Master Averrod. You are correct: the Council will back this mission. Do you have anything to add to your report?”

Dallyn had remained silent for the entirety of the Grand Master and Master Visper’s back and forth, somewhat in awe of the Consular’s skill in de-escalating what was shaping up to be a very bad comm call. Still, when he heard his master’s footfall, he looked up in her direction as though he could will her to stay back. Things had just started going well and while Grand Master Satele seemed to be on good terms with Master Averrod, he wasn’t sure that same feeling would extend to Jedi Lin.

Teizi stepped into the room and took stock of the situation, pausing only momentarily to note that it was her padawan holding the comm - meaning the Grand Master had commed him, not Visper - and that Master Visper seemed to be in a political discussion with Satele. In a few smooth steps, she came to stand beside her padawn and thereby added herself to the holo. She said nothing, but bowed over her fingertips in greeting. While she didn’t want to interrupt the discussion, Teizi was all too well aware that it should have been her call to deal with.

Visper gave Teizi a nod of greeting when the other Jedi answered the room.

“Thank you, Grand Master,” Visper replied. “Yes, there is one more thing I wish to address. Respectfully, we both know why this has raised concern on Tython, though you have been tactful in not bringing it up directly. The concern is surely not that Jedi were involved in a mission without direct approval from the Council - Jedi are expected to act at our own discretion most of the time. Nor, I suspect, has the Council suddenly decided to establish a policy that Sith are granted amnesty for crimes as long as they manage to retreat to Dromund Kaas quickly enough. What it boils down to is worry about the Imperial reaction, isn’t it? That this could be taken as evidence of aggression, and used to spark renewed hostilities? I don’t blame the Council at all; we must always be mindful of the complexities of the current detente. But I can assure you, in this particular case the Council has nothing to fear. There is simply nothing for the Empire to point to that was instigated on the Republic side. Other than the death of a Sith master at the hands of his own apprentice - which is, if I may be blunt, so commonplace as to attract scant notice - in every case, our actions were responses to aggression from Imperial space. There is nothing we have done that they could use to implicate the Republic, that would not require them to implicate themselves first. So rest assured, Grand Master - the Treaty of Coruscant remains intact.”

A wry smile crossed the Grand Master’s face. “Once again, Master Averrod, you have cut to the heart of the matter. I think we should all be glad that you are on our side. I will relay this information and your analysis to our allies. However, they may take some time to cool down. Jedi Lin, I suggest to you continue to work with Master Averrod until the situation regarding this ‘Sith interest’ is clear.” She gave Teizi a pointed look. “Perhaps you can find someone there who can repair your holo communicator. May the Force be with you all.”

“May the Force be with you as well, Grand Master,” Visper replied. Despite the older woman’s sometimes peppery demeanor, Visper genuinely liked and respected her.

Satele bowed slightly before terminating the transmission. Dallyn let out a breath he’d clearly been holding for some time before stuffing the holo back into its holster as though afraid the Grand Master would reappear. Teizi removed her own and switched it back on before she turned to Visper. “Master Averrod, thank-you for stepping in. I apologize for my negligence.” She paused, thoughtful, “Though I must say, I am not certain I would have done so well had I received the comm myself.”

“Not at all,” Visper replied. “You were occupied, and I was happy to step in.” With a smile, she added, “This is why we have consulars, after all. It seems that diplomacy is so often needed with our own side, as well as with the enemy. I’m glad you’re back safely, Teizi. All has been well here while you were gone. I’m pleased to report that all of our patients are recovering. We had a bit of a scare with Tacia, but her healing is back on track now.”

Visper’s voice remained almost calm. Almost. There was just a faint note of emotion that peeped through, showing just how much Tacia’s lapse had worried her.

Teizi stood with her hands folded in front of her, completely focused on Visper’s words - and the things she didn’t say. The obvious care she had for her patients was...reassuring, somehow. Seeing the Consular care so deeply for her charges made the idea of a Jedi in touch with her humanity, but still in line with the Code, seem not so far out of reach. Teizi nodded, “I am glad to hear it. Doubtless she will continue to improve under your care. Which reminds me, I merely came to check in, but I must return to Pyrran’s ship to watch over Neva. I didn’t think she should like waking up alone on an Imperial ship. Dallyn, if you are…”

Dallyn was still in a sort of awed daze by what had just transpired, but he snapped into an attentive pose and bowed to his master. “I can attend you if you require, but my energies may still be needed here as mealtime approaches. If I might stay?”

It was Teizi’s turn to allow some emotion to show as a shadow of a smile formed on her lips. Returning the bow with a nod of her own, “Of course, padawan. We must go where we are needed most.” Perhaps things had not gone so badly as all that after all.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »


Though it would have been clear to Rossi that Reyth was relieved to hear from Arksynn, she hadn't let that emotion pass through the comm. It wasn't like she'd gotten to do much of the talking, anyway. Arksynn had been incredibly excited, so much so that he had difficulty finishing his hand signals before moving on to the next thing. Eventually, Reyth had to cut him short, indicating that he should give the details verbally when the party returned to Rishi. He had complied, with no small amount of disappointment, and she'd been left alone with the Pureblood once more. It wasn't that she couldn't understand Arksynn. It was that she couldn't stand his open smile and hopeful face. He honestly thought he was free - and maybe he was. Maybe he was. Stupid boy.

The girl had traded her despondence for a sort of sullen apathy. She ignored Rossi and went so far as to sit on the floor on the other side of the med bay's table so that she couldn't be seen. Perhaps a little childish, but Reyth suddenly felt as though she couldn't bear to be looked at. Watched. Talked at. Interacted with. What was the point. She didn't even want to be with herself, why should anyone else feel otherwise. Despite these thoughts, she also knew Arksynn was on his way. And he would be happy.

Her hands balled into fists as she felt the apathy flow away like steam to be replaced with her dearest, closest friend. Rage. Every pore tingled when she heard the door of the ship whistle open. His footsteps echoed off the metal plating, muffled by slower, steadier footfalls. The Jedi. It had to be. Reyth stood slowly, tucking her hands into opposite sleeves, her face deceptively calm. She didn't look at the other girl - just stared at the medbay door - and waited.

Arksynn strode into the room, practically glowing. He gestured at the force field - she noticed his lips moving, but somehow she couldn't hear the words - and the field fell. It was strangely silent as Arksynn approached. He got within two steps of her before he noticed that something wasn't quite right. He'd probably expected to be received as a hero. Embraced. Kissed. A tinny voice cried that it would be nice to do those things, but it was soon engulfed by the same clamour that had taken over her other senses.

The Force push she gave him instead had heat to it. The zabrak threw up his hands to protect his face as his body slammed into the wall. Cute. The dark glare he gave her when the hands came down didn't stop her either. The broken table top flew toward him, but Arksynn blocked it with his own Force abilities. His lips were moving again. He looked like he might be shouting. At least that stupid grin was off his face. The bed had proven to be a challenge to move, but now Reyth had access to more items - and more power. The Kolto tank shifted, fluid sloshing, as she attempted to hurtle it into her friend. Crush him with kindness. It would be a fitting end.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Siralai Mahr

Siralai had been prepared for quite a number of difficulties they might face with Reyth. But this had not been among them. As she and Rossi returned to the med bay to check on the commotion, Siralai's heart sank when she saw Reyth attacking her fellow apprentice. In that moment - seeing the fight between two young people who had shared a bond through all sorts of adversity - Siralai realized she had failed them both. She had uprooted their lives, thinking she knew better... and they had lost everything as a result. Including maybe each other. It was not, of course, that she regretted taking them away from Anewe. That had been necessary for their safety. Nor did she regret Anewe's death. What she regretted was her own failure to help them. That she had ripped everything away from them, but failed to provide a viable alternative. It was impossible to deny the evidence of her eyes; two people who had managed relative stability and maintained a connection with each other when she found them now didn't have even that, thanks to her interference. Siralai had so wanted Reyth to be safe... but it seemed she had brought the young woman only pain and helpless rage. Siralai had been cruel too, even with the best of intentions.

They deserved a better Jedi...

Of course, Siralai wasn't a Jedi at all. She was out of the Order. Because she had known better. Because she always thought she knew better. For these two, though, Siralai had been nothing but a meddling idiot who had taken their predicament and somehow made it worse. She could only hope it wasn't too late to correct her mistakes. To fix this. To do better. To do more.

"Reyth, stop!" Siralai said. "Please. Arksynn is not the cause of your pain. He cares about you. From the moment I met him, he's been trying to protect you and seeking your good. You have every right to be angry. Every right. But not at Arksynn. Arksynn is not responsible for any of this. He is your ally, not your enemy."
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Arksynn and Reyth

"It's alright. This happens a lot." Arksynn's voice was surprisingly calm. He was holding the Kolto tank in place with one hand and shielding himself with the other as Siralai made her plea. The previously jubilant energy that had been flowing off of him was shattered by disappointment. With Anewe gone, he thought that things would be different. He felt different - so why was Reyth still like this? What hold did Anewe have on her even now? Didn't she understand that they were free?

Unable to shift the Kolto tank with Arksynn holding onto it, the girl switched tactics. A ceiling plate bent out of place as Reyth heaved down on it with all the strength she could muster, growing even more enraged as it failed to dislodge as planned. The air around her was charged with dark energy, boiling out of her as her fists dropped downward together, punching a dent into the floor. Reyth was panting now - seemingly distracted - casting her eyes around the room as though noticing Rossi and Siralai's presence for the first time.

Arksynn loosened his grip on the Kolto tank shifted slightly in Siralai's direction. "She's almost done. Just give her..."

The lightsaber flew out of his belt into Reyth's outstretched hand. It ignited - the glow reflecting in Reyth's widened eyes as she brought the live edge toward herself. In an instant, her thoughts were finally clear to him. She didn't intend to use the weapon on anyone in the room but herself. The Zabrak fairly flew over the distance between them, grabbing onto the hilt and wrestling the girl against the wall - each fighting for control of the blade. He pushed his shoulder into her smaller frame, desperate to break her hold - and even moreso to bring her to her senses.

"No! Reyth! This isn't the way - it's not the way - you can't leave. You...can't..."

Arksynn trailed off as Reyth's head dropped forward on his chest, the lightsaber extinguishing. He held her against the wall for a moment more before deciding that she wasn't faking and proceeded to support her instead. His hands were shaking as he lifted her onto the half-destroyed bed. This...was not the reaction he'd expected in so very many ways.
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Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:33 pm

Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Siralai Mahr

Siralai was momentarily relieved when Arksynn said this wasn't the first time Reyth had had this sort of outburst. That meant it was manageable, and there would be a solution - but then things escalated dramatically, horrifyingly.

"Reyth, no!" Siralai gasped, fear and concern unmistakable in her voice. She didn't step in to intervene physically, and motioned Rossi to wait too. Siralai wasn't going to let Reyth hurt herself or Arksynn, but she also knew that throwing herself bodily into the situation would likely make Reyth even more upset. She would allow Arksynn to handle it if he could - and as it turned out, he was quite capable.

Once Reyth was safely on the bed, Siralai put the forcefield back up around her. She hated to lock the young woman up, but she couldn't see any other way. They couldn't take the risk that Reyth would try to harm herself again. If Siralai was worried she had made a mess of things before, now she was sure of it. When she had met Reyth, the young woman had been able to survive and function. Now she wanted to die. No, Siralai was being too easy on herself - Siralai's so-called 'help' had made her want to die. She had caused this. And now she had no idea how to make things right.

"I'm sorry," she said. "Arksynn, Reyth... I'm so sorry. You both deserve a much better life. Please don't give up on that. I'm going to do my very best to help you find it."

Not that her best seemed to amount to much, under the circumstances. Maybe someone else could give her advice. Yes, that had to be the answer. Siralai might be an abject failure at this, but she would find someone who knew better. And then it would be alright. Somehow.