Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Iliana Requa

"Put me out of my misery?" Iliana repeated, uncomprehending - since she was by every indication far from miserable. But then it clicked. "Ah, I see. His concern is that my chastity may have been compromised by the rapscallion who took me... or that other people may assume it to be so. I shouldn't be surprised."

Mikael glared at his stew and stabbed a bit of potato rather violently with his fork - perhaps imagining it was Julius - but said nothing.

"Julius thinks I was kidnapped," Iliana continued matter-of-factly. "It had to be so. It was the only way I could escape from him. Julius is a dangerous man. He probably doesn't seem that way, since you say you've met him. He comes off as pompous and blustering. But he's also a powerful mage in his own right, and has the backing of a demon-worshiping cult. I didn't realize that when I married him. I actually knew very little about him - it was an arranged marriage, and I had little say in the matter. I did my duty, but there was never love between us, or respect. It wasn't so bad at first, though. He wasn't cruel to me... not when our marriage began, at least. But he was desperate for children, and when I failed to produce them on his desired schedule, he became... agitated. Obsessed. Things became very difficult between us. I think that was when his involvement in the cult escalated. I found out after I was pregnant that he performed a ritual to cause me to conceive - and I don't know exactly what promises were made in exchange. So I think you understand why we need to keep the children as far away from Julius as possible. Are you open to negotiation regarding fulfilling your contract with Julius, now that you know all this?"
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

She listened with rapt attention, though was visibly disappointed when the tale ended so quickly. Still - the mesmer involved in a cult - the lady's children perhaps beholden to some demon lord? Nairn had been right - there was a much more interesting side to the tale than the one Julius had given her.

There continued to be some holes in the overall tale, though, and one of them the Norn couldn't help but take the opportunity to point out. Instead of answering Iliana's question, she merely squinted her eyes thoughtfully at the woman before shifting her gaze to Mikael.

"Where do you come in? I must say, you are not quite as described. The children call upon you as their father and you provide for them and Iliana with the work of your hands. Who are you in this tale?"
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Mikael Stormcrow

"Ah," Mikael replied. "Julius does tend to spin rather exciting tales of me as some sort of mercenary or bandit leader type. But I got involved in the whole thing by accident. I'm not a mercenary - I've never even been a soldier. I've always made my living as a farmer and a woodcarver. At the time, I was also functioning as something of a diplomat. I had helped to resolve a few local disputes, so I was sent south to try my hand at helping to craft a treaty to bring an end to a war. Or so I thought. Almost as soon as I arrived, I was accused of being a spy and a traitor. I protested my innocence, of course - I had no idea what I had supposedly done. But I was beaten. Tortured. Thrown in a dungeon to rot. I languished there for months, sentenced to be executed for my 'crimes.' I found out later it was all a manipulation. It was not for reasons of politics that I was to be executed. Rather, I had been captured to use as a sacrifice to the demons the cult worshiped."

"I was in a difficult position too, if a less extreme one," Iliana chimed in. "I had found out what my husband was up to, and I wanted to leave him - but my options were limited. I was pregnant, just a month short of giving birth, so I couldn't fight well or walk far. I had no money; that was an odd thing to realize, having always lived with wealth, but none of it was mine. All of the gold had belonged to either my parents or my husband. Nor did I have anywhere to go. And Julius certainly would never have let me go willingly. But... then I stumbled upon information about a prisoner in the dungeon, and I had an idea. An arrangement of mutual benefit. I was on the right side of the cell bars to free him. Once I had done so, he could 'kidnap' me and take me to safety - far less risky for me than simply leaving my husband. We arranged the whole thing. Julius still doesn't realize the truth. But I was free. We both were."

"When I returned to the north, I took Iliana with me," Mikael explained. "It seemed the safest place for her. Upon my return, I simply told my kinsfolk that I had married a woman in the south, and she was expecting my children. It's not the sort of thing people question, when both parties are in agreement. Everyone back home just accepted the story that Iliana was my wife, and that the children belonged to us both."

"I didn't leave Julius for Mikael," Iliana said with surprising firmness. This was an important part of the story to her. She had left to protect her children, and to protect herself. Not to pursue another man. "I left Julius because of Julius. Because of his actions. Because my children and I weren't safe with him. My love for Mikael grew over time. With time, the story we had told became true. We decided to become husband and wife - truly, not just as a ploy. To the children, Mikael is their father. He was there for their birth. They have never known differently. We're happy. But of course, we still have Julius and his cult hanging over our heads. I hoped he would give up on finding the children eventually, but so far he hasn't."
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

She was duly impressed. It wasn't often that one managed to turn the tide of fortune in their favour - let alone for two people at once. A brilliant plan that had clearly worked as Julius did seem to believe his wife kidnapped and his children in peril. Masterfully done. It was too bad that Julius hadn't taken the hint, admitted defeat and moved on with his life. No, he was definitely still embroiled in theirs.

"He has been watching them by scrying. I think he is still quite intent." her words came out in the same conversational tone that she'd been using, but her eyes had focused on a point somewhere beyond Iliana's head. Lost in thought, she pieced together the three sides of the story now into a single tale. A minute passed before she came to herself and found the pair staring at her. It occurred to her then that she needed to make a choice. She could finish the job Juius had asked her to do. She could turn around and help Iliana and Mikael instead. She could walk away with a story to write down and forget about. Before her new journey started, the last choice would have been the obvious one. Nairn had never beheld herself to anyone, nor had she gone out of her way to interact with people's affairs. Things were different now. There was really only one thing to do.

"The cultists are a problem." she began, even as she pulled some writing paper, a quill and a small bottle of ink out of her belt. "But they don't have to be. I know some people who are very good at dealing with cultists. Julius seems clever enough - he may be more difficult to ensnare." Nairn looked up, with a small degree of uncertainty in her eyes, "This is renegotiation, yes?"
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Iliana Requa and Mikael Stormcrow

Iliana and Mikael exchanged a surprised glance. This was not an outcome they had accounted for. They had assumed that the best case scenario was that Nairn would accept their story and leave without fulfilling her contract. At worst, it might have come to a fight. The one possibility they had not expected was that Nairn might actively side with them against Julius. It certainly sounded appealing - especially if Nairn had a group she could call upon, since the cult had far superior numbers. But it also sounded expensive, and they had precious little gold to spare.

"We're certainly open to negotiating," Iliana said carefully. "Your help would be welcomed. Before agreeing to anything, though, we need to know your terms." Mikael added, "Since we've had to leave the farm behind and hide - hopefully temporarily, but for now it is what it is - our income has become rather scarce. To be frank, we need to know if we can afford to hire you and your friends. Woodcarvings put a roof over our heads and food on the table, but there isn't much left after that. What sort of payment would you be looking for?"
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

The Norn appeared amused and was penning a message even as she replied to the pair. "I am not worried about gold. If the others want some, I can give what I have to them. If it is not enough, I am sure Julius has more."

The implication that Julius may no longer be in need of his money when this was all over was fairly plain. The smile she added as reassurance may have appeared a bit more wolfish than she intended.

Now focusing on her note, she lifted her right hand to point at them as she asked for details. "Now, is this cult based in Lion's Arch with Julius? Do we know what sort of numbers they have? Strengths? Defences?"
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Iliana Requa

Iliana was pleasantly surprised that Nairn didn't seem concerned about the repayment. So many people were focused on gold - gaining it, and retaining it. Not that Iliana blamed them entirely - she was sure being truly destitute was difficult to bear - but in Iliana's own life, money hadn't bought happiness. She was far more content working on the farm and seeing to the business end of Mikael's carvings trade than she had ever been in the plush drawing rooms of the nobility.

"There is... a slight complication regarding the cult," Iliana replied. "Perhaps it will prove too much of a stumbling block. We are not from Tyria originally. We came to this land through a portal. Our own is far away. Julius followed us here - as, by extension, did his cult. I don't know how many lands they have their tentacles in. How many worlds, even. I understand if this is beyond what your group feels capable of taking on."

Of course, Iliana had no way of knowing all the dangers and seemingly impossible odds the guild had already faced.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

The Norn's hand paused, ink dripping from the nib unnoticed onto the parchment below as her eyes once again drifted up to Iliana's. It wasn't shock that dwelt there, though, but excitement.

"Interesting. Another land, you say. Well, I will just tell them to pack extra. We can still start in Lion's Arch, yes, cut the head off the serpent..." Nairn's voice trailed off as her quill once again took to the page with decisive strokes.

Once complete, she blew lightly on the page while she crossed over to the window and cawed. A moment later, a raven appeared on the sill. The bird and the Norn appeared to have some sort of discussion before the bird finally held out its leg for Nairn to attach the rolled parchment. As she returned the table, the annoyance on her face was still visible.

"Apologies. Raven and I are not on the best of terms, though I thought my relationship with his people should suffice to gain their aid. In the end, the threat of yet another cult invading Norn lands won him over. I should begin the journey to Lion's Arch. My guild will meet me there." She had made no such assumption that the couple would be making the trip with her - bringing the children into the lair of the cult would be a terrible risk.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Iliana Requa

Iliana and Mikael took a moment to confer about what to do - but they didn't reach a good answer. Obviously, they didn't want to put the children in the clutches of Julius and his cronies. They'd spent five years avoiding exactly that. But they also knew that as soon as Julius realized there was a plot against him, he and his cult would retaliate - and even though Nairn could furnish an adventuring group, the cult almost certainly still had greater numbers. If Julius dispatched a force from Lion's Arch at the first sign of trouble, their family would be very much at risk up here in the Shiverpeaks.

There was no resolution yet when Nairn received a message in reply.

Dear Nairn, How are you? I am fine. This mission sounds crazy! It will be fun. I'm in. Love, Anakita P.S. Tell them the kids can stay at my house. There will be plenty of people to watch them while we go kick [scribble mark] buttocks in Lion's Arch!

Iliana and Mikael were surprised by the offer - and understandably a little wary about leaving their children with relative strangers - but they had to admit that did seem like the best option to keep them out of Julius' hands. Iliana only hoped she was reading the situation right. She would never forgive herself if it was just another ploy by the cult. Her gut instinct told her she could trust these people, though.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

"Ah, so it is settled then. Anakita's family is quite welcoming - and very skilled. The children will be quite safe."

Certain that this was reassuring, she fell to planning the return trip to the south. Travelling with young ones suggested that the trip to Hoelbrak might be too arduous - and too long - so Nairn put up the coin to use Waystone transportation directly to Divinity's Reach. The walk to the residential district happened to pass a few book carts, which she barely managed to avoid. Here, her 'disguise' wouldn't work so well as these people were all too accustomed to her new attire. She passed one cart with a poster bearing her likeness tacked to it reading something along the lines of 'thief' and discreetly removed it. It wasn't that she was ashamed - this artist had finally gotten her nose right.

She had unintentionally strode somewhat ahead of the little party as they neared the Snakecharm residence. It stood out from the rest of the houses on the street because the door was big enough for her to walk through without ducking. Anakita's family was...diverse, which was something Nairn appreciated about the ranger who wasn't as human as she appeared. Nairn didn't knock, only pushed the door open and stood just inside the lintel, glancing out at Mikael, Iliana and their little ones to make sure they knew where she'd gone. Turning back to the inside of the house, she merely grinned and gave a small wave to the denizens.