Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »


"Well you are, aren't you? I mean, look at you! We can all see that you're lesser. Why are you even here?"

Rosemary didn't immediately turn her head to look at the young woman who had piped up from back of the room. She already knew who it was - Marta Pembrooke. It was little surprise to Rosemary when she recalled that the girl's father was on the Council. This was what she was worried about - that things might turn for the worse...

"Oh wow, you're one to talk. Not like you've never been a minority that society considered less than worthy."

This time, she did turn her head. She had not seen that one coming. A young Gryffindor tilted back on his chair ... Laurie Pembrooke, Marta's younger brother. He was referring to his sister's sexual orientation, no doubt, though he managed to avoid saying as much in public. Good for him - he wouldn't get detention for that.

As for Marta, she turned bright red and looked about to reply until she seemed to feel the weight of all eyes in the room upon her. She faltered for a moment, then gathered up her group of friends and left the hall in a huff, amid some minor comments. Laurie looked a bit smug, then waved his hand above his head and addressed Shishguk himself.

"I'm sorry about her - I'd say she couldn't help it but that'd be a lie. I do have a question for you though - what do you think this little chat is going to accomplish? The Council is full of people like her," he thumbed in direction of Marta's exit, "so how do you tell people like them that you are to be respected when they don't even see you?"
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty

Shishguk looked uncertain for a moment, but then collected herself, and her confidence returned.

"I don't think this chat is going to do anything great," she replied honestly. "The people who already agree with me will nod their heads, and the people who hate us and think we're no better than animals will hear nothing I've said anyway. But there are others - people in the middle. People whose minds are not completely closed. They will listen, and perhaps dismiss most of it. Perhaps forget about it tomorrow, as they get busy with lessons and assignments and exams. But maybe... a seed was planted. Maybe they'll spare some thought to it again in a quiet moment, or the next time they see a goblin, or when some line in a book sparks a memory. I don't know, exactly. But that's what I hope for. That maybe a seed was planted. I don't expect that I've changed anyone's mind in one evening. Maybe I've given a few of you something to think about, though?"

As Marta had departed the hall, Cambria had quietly excused herself and followed. What Marta had said was cruel. It was reprehensible. But Cambria was not one to think that a student - not yet an adult, not yet fully formed or set in stone - was beyond redemption. Many of these children came from family backgrounds where they had been taught everything Marta had just flung at their goblin visitor. How could they change, if no one ever tried to teach them differently? She caught up with Marta and her cronies a short distance outside the hall.

"Miss Pembrooke?" she called. "I just wanted to make sure you're alright. I can imagine what was said was unpleasant for you."

Of course, it wasn't wrong. The comparison was quite apt. But that didn't mean it was easy to hear, or that Marta wouldn't need support to process it.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »


Laurie seemed a bit surprised by the honest answer, but his face quickly turned thoughtful and he nodded to acknowledge her answer to his questions before turning back to face his friends at the table. Rosemary kept an eye on him even while she attempted to take in the rest of room. Certainly the mood had shifted somewhat and the students were beginning to get restless - particularly the younger ones. It looked like several children had wanted to speak up after the first question, though no new hands rose now. She hoped they would feel safe enough to ask their questions of someone who could give them as good an answer as Shishguk. Rosemary leaned over to murmur as much to Eve.

Marta was in tears, her entourage flitting about helplessly, attempting to offer encouragement even as she turned them away. When Professor Morehouse approached, the girls scattered. Apparently they assumed that punishment was coming for Marta's statement and they weren't good enough friends to want to be caught up in her downfall. The student in question had stopped and turned toward Cambria, the girl's hands were formed into fists and her voice shook.

"No! I'm not alright. My brother just undermined my honest statement of the truth. My own brother! Little twerp deserves Gryffindor."

The last sentence was spoke more quietly than the rest, though anyone who had ever been in Marta's presence knew she was a proud Ravenclaw and saw her brother's placement in a house otherwise as a blow to the family honour.

"I suppose I'm in trouble for speaking my mind."
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Cambria Morehouse

"You aren't in trouble, Miss Pembrooke," Cambria replied. "We have no intention of punishing you. I will admit, though - I'm disappointed. You're better than this. You're an intelligent young woman, and I believe you're capable of much more compassion than you showed tonight. You didn't show yourself in a very good light just now, but amends can be made. I'm sure what your brother said was difficult to hear, but I hope you will not dismiss it out of hand because of the delivery. I hope you'll think about it, and discover some empathy within yourself. The ability to take feedback - especially when it's uncomfortable - is a sign of maturity, after all."

Back in the Great Hall, McGonagall too was perceiving the signs that it was time to bring the evening to a close. Better to end on a high note. She rose to her feet, and the faint whispering stilled.

"Thank you for your time and your words tonight, Shishguk," she said. "You've given us all a lot to think about, I'm sure. Students, you are dismissed."
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Marta Pembrooke

The girl huffed and looked away, though she couldn't keep her cheeks from reddening in response to Cambria's well-placed chastisement. She was about to reply with something to the tune of 'what does compassion have to do with it', but Marta just couldn't say the words out loud. To be honest, she hadn't listened to anything the goblin girl had said - had completely tuned her out the second she walked to the front of the stage. It hit her that maybe something had been said that, had she been paying attention, might have resonated with her. The idea that she could have anything in common with a goblin was not only offensive, but incredibly far-fetched...and yet evidence had been offered to the contrary right in front of the whole school.

"Fine, I'll think about." The perennial haughtiness had returned, though it crumbled away easily enough in the space of a breath. "Thank-you Professor Morehouse."

Ducking her head, Marta turned and made off in the direction of the library - a true Ravenclaw, after all.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Cambria Morehouse

"You're welcome," Cambria replied, and smiled. As she returned to her seat in the Great Hall, she couldn't help thinking this was what teaching was all about. Not just academic subjects - though of course that was important - but shaping young minds to be more compassionate and learn to think for themselves.

"How did it go?" Eve asked curiously.

"Better than expected!" Cambria said. "And I could really use a butterbeer to celebrate how well everything went tonight. Eve, Rosemary - are you up for a quick trip to Hogsmeade? Let's invite Liam and Shishguk too!"

Shishguk seemed a little surprised by the invitation. "You want to talk more about goblin things?" she asked. She was gracious, but she sounded... tired.

"You deserve a break from being a spokesperson for your people," Cambria said bluntly. "Let's just go have fun!"
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

"Absolutely. You know I'm always down for a trip to Hogsmeade - and a butterbeer."

It was only fair to admit that she had been a bit nervous about the proceedings. She'd sort of pushed the issue and while it seemed to have been received quite positively by the student body, she was certain there'd be some reciprocal actions beyond what Miss Pembrooke had cooked up on the spot. No, bringing this issue to the forefront would bring out all sorts of ugly from the people she'd come to know and respect. It was not, however, a good enough reason to avoid the subject - quite the opposite. Exposing the ugly could do naught but bring healing to old wounds. Rosemary couldn't help but feeling that the future she could see was worth celebrating too.

"Do you want a ride, Shishguk? That is, if you don't mind riding tandem." she was referring to their usual method of getting to Hogsmeade - by broomstick. Goblins had their own methods, but she thought it would be nice to travel together. She only hoped it wasn't insulting to offer.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty

"Sure," Shishguk replied. "That would be nice, thanks."

They settled at a corner table at The Three Broomsticks, and ordered a round of butterbeers all around. Eve was quiet - four people sitting with her was a lot, even if she was very fond of them all - but enjoyed listening to the conversation. Her eyes kept drifting over to a cloaked figure in the corner. The person's presence unsettled her... but she couldn't quite place a finger on why. Eve's unease only grew when the server brought over another round of drinks, and announced that they had been provided by an anonymous benefactor.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

She had grown accustomed to Eve's quietness, but that didn't mean that she talked over or around her. Quite the opposite, Rosemary often made eye contact with her friend and did her best to share conversation about things of mutual interest. As a result, it had caught her eye that Eve was a bit distracted. She hadn't quite figured out the source when a round of drinks they hadn't ordered showed up. Who bought a round for a mixed table of males and females - humans and goblins?

"Hold up - I'm going to find out where these are from."

Rosemary moved from her place at the edge of the table to the bar. He nodded and smiled in recognition and she returned the sense of familiarity. She was still smiling when she asked exactly who ordered the round, though those little hairs on the back of her neck certainly had their own opinion on the matter.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty

"Well, I don't know his name," the bartender replied, with seeming candor. "He hasn't been here before, that I recall. But I can point him out to you. It's that fellow in the corner, the one in the cloak. I figure a person has a right to know who's buying drinks for 'em. You can ask him yourself if you want."

The cloaked figure was still watching the table. When he saw Rosemary talking to the bartender, however, he stood, tossed some money on the table, and started making his way toward the exit - not at such a fast pace as to attract attention from other customers, but not wasting any time.