Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars) - Cont'd

Monkey Kitty
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Siralai Mahr

"I'm not exactly sure how much the rest of the Council may know," Siralai replied honestly. "Undoubtedly they know that he has been liaising with the Republic military for many years - a task the Council assigned him - and I doubt he makes a secret of his views. I would guess they see him as something of a zealot, but ultimately for a good cause. I wonder how much they know of his specific dealings, though. And I do not quite know how to find out without sparking trouble. I'm not too loved on Tython."

She wasn't hated, either, for the most part. Her choices were tolerated - but looked down upon. Siralai would make no friends by appearing to turn the Council against each other. But perhaps someone else could succeed where Siralai could not.

"I wonder if you would be willing to speak to your contacts on Tython and see if everyone is in accord with Jesk? I don't mean to put you on the spot, and I am not asking you to do anything under the table, so to speak. There would be no need to hide your inquiries. I would just like to know how much risk there is if my family were to simply lie low for awhile and stay off the Jedi radar."
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Neva Xolte and Akaavi Spar

At first, things seemed to be levelling out. Whew. They'd saved the plan...


"Why do things never go smooth?" She griped under her breath, pulling up her shirt to try to create a makeshift mask while glaring at the air vent above her. How long did they have? Were they just going to kill them? No way she was going down like this.

"Hey you." Grabbing the dealer's arm to get his attention, she nodded to the door his bosses had walked through. "You wanna be dead or an experiment? No? Then c'mon, there's gotta be another way outta here!"


Akaavi was reaching the upper limits of her patience. She could not understand the appeal of a casino. The lights and sirens were annoying. Simple attempts at distraction. Of course, anyone real intelligence wouldn't be standing here...

The manager and a bouncer fairly flew out of the back hallway, looking either annoyed or pleased with themselves. Neither was a good prospect. Her eyes narrowed and she ducked behind her machine and tried to comm the Captain. No luck. Well then. Time for those antics.

Not caring if anyone saw her, the mandalorian left the room at a brisk pace. She pounded on a door she found at the back, pulling out her vibrostaff with the other hand as she did.

"Captain! Are you in there?"
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Felix Iresso

The dealer abruptly swept the Sabacc setup from the table with a rough brush of his arm. At first, Felix assumed it was a gesture of frustrated anger... but then the man motioned for the others to help him drag the table under a ceiling vent, so they could climb on it to reach. The slats of the vent had sealed shut as the gas started to fill the room, but the dealer showed them that the cap could be pulled off entirely, leading to a ventilation shaft.

Felix briefly wondered how the dealer had cause to know that - then saw a few bottles tucked away in the air shaft. A secret stash, then. Not that he was judging; today the man's furtive alcohol store looked like it was going to help them mightily.

Hastily, they began to climb into the shaft. Felix wasn't sure it looked entirely safe, but it would be better than here.

The Twi'lek boy couldn't quite reach the vent even standing on the table, and panic filled his eyes, assuming he would be left behind.

"I'll boost you up, bud," Felix assured him, and lifted the boy so Lana could grab his hands and pull him up into the air shaft. Felix followed once all the others had made it up, anxious to get out before gas became incapacitating.

There was no way to pull the vent cover up behind them from inside. Felix regretted that, because it would make it too obvious how they had escaped - but it couldn't be helped. Right now, a hasty exit was more important than covering their tracks... or there would be no tracks to cover.

"There's a control room about seventy-five feet ahead," the dealer explained shortly. "We can drop down from the ceiling vent and open an exit door."

"We still have business here," Lana said calmly. "A 'doctor' to find."

"And we need to figure out where Neva's Mando friend is," Felix added. "Hopefully she's okay."

The Mandalorian might be intimidating, but she had been doing her part to help them and shouldn't be left behind.
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Teizi Lin

It wasn't that she didn't want to get involved. Really, she was already involved - possibly from the moment she met Pyrran on the beach and didn't do anything about him having a holiday and minding his own business. Certainly flying off to Dromund Kaas and helping slay his master alongside Siralai clinched it. Teizi had no regrets about any of these decisions. They were the right thing to do at the time - and she believed that they were still the right decisions.

It was this corner she'd painted herself into. Siralai was right to tell her that it was her job to get this information - she was the only Jedi here, currently - but she'd said it so casually. 'your contacts'. Like it was a given that she'd have made friends or close allies on Tython whom she could go to for help. Teizi was at a complete loss. In a way, she'd actually avoided making connections with other Jedi, at least when she was a padawan. She'd stood out from the crowd in more ways than one and she had been certain that dwelling on her differences with her peers wouldn't do her any service. Her devotion to study and work hadn't left much room for friendly bonding, despite the Order's best efforts to enforce some collegiality amongst its members.

Teizi forced herself to return to the present and managed to nod, say, "Of course. I will see what I can do." and down the rest of her water without choking on it. The walk to her ship gave her ample time to try to figure out who she knew that might be able - or willing - to help her. She forced herself to go about the business logically. She simply started at the beginning with all the Jedi she'd met and mentally crossed them off the list or moved them to the 'call' pile when she thought their interactions had been reasonably congenial. By the time she stood in front of the holoprojector, she had a short list. Despite her enforced calm, she took a deep steadying breath before placing her first call.

"Jedi Yprin. Yes, it has been some time. I wondered if I might have a word..."
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Neva Xolte, Padawan Dallyn, Akaavi Spar

While crawling through a ventilation shaft trying not to die was certainly distracting, Neva's brain had certainly been at least partially consumed with the same concern Felix had just brought up. Akaavi would probably be fine, as a Mando would be, but not being able to relay information was getting to be a painful hindrance. Maybe once they got to this control room....

*bbbzst*"Can anyone hear me?" The padawan's voice suddenly rang through her earpiece and Neva snapped to reply with an affirmative.

"Oh good! I finally got through their security. Where are you guys? They don't have a read on you, but I can see that they're currently in a shootout with the Mandalorian."

"Not for long." Akaavi's voice was little more than a growl, blaster fire clearly audible in the background. "Captain, like he said, what is your position."

"We're headed for some control room - they tried to gas us out. Can you find out where the doctor guy is, Dallyn? We should wrap things up here..."

There was some silence on the line, convenient as the main party had arrived at the control room and had subsequently made short work of the the few guards present. Dallyn's face appeared on one of holoprojectors, his brow furrowed even as they could see his fingers flying over the keys.

"This is a top notch system...anyway, the Mando should be at the door any second now...and the doctor...there's a secret door in this room with an extra locking system...probably a good place to start until I can get control of the rest of the cameras."

A wall panel slid out of the way even as the front door opened for an angry Mandalorian who tossed a thermal detonator out into the hallway before shutting the door. "We're going to need another exit." she stated as the explosion popped a few rivets out of the wall behind her.
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Reyth and Arksynn

Pyrran had gave him some reassurances that the Jedi wasn’t going to turn on them – at least, not yet. So, they had a little time, which Arksynn desperately needed. He was still so angry with Reyth. So very, very angry. Or was it just that he’d reached the maximum depth of his disappointment? His first thought had still been to protect Reyth, even after her attempt on his life. Her latest attempt.

It had happened so many time before and they had continued on. They had to. They had shielded each other for years. But now…now Anewe wasn’t here to threaten them. They were on their own. They could make their own choices.

Arksynn was starting to get the idea that he and Reyth may have different choices to make. That thought both drove a stake through his heart and gave him the lightheaded feeling of flight. He loved Reyth. He really did. But…it hurt so much to love her. Oh, it was pleasure too, there was no denying that, but he couldn’t help but notice that most of their relationship was based on fear and pain.

Was that enough? Was that what he wanted?

He paced the sand outside the ship, unable to go inside – even knowing what awaited him. She would be sorry, as always. And she’d make it up to him. At least, as best as she knew how – as best as he knew how. The was struck by the thought that there must be more. He wanted more. But…he didn’t have more to give. How would he even start to ask?

She lay on her bed in the medbay she and Arksynn had claimed from the Jedi. Waiting. Thinking. And waiting. Siralai’s words ruminating in her head. Her own familiar ones striking back, trying to drown them out. She let them all slosh around for awhile before she stopped the chaos. It had been awhile since she’d made herself do anything. Anewe had discouraged that. Actively.

All the more reason to do the opposite.

She rolled over and picked up the Sith meditation scroll that had been left by her bedside. Kneeling, she began reading the scroll, allowing it to fill her mind instead of all her thoughts.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Lana Beniko

The dealer threw up his hands. "That's more than enough for me!" he said. "I'm outta here. I'm not getting shot today!"

Lana nodded. "That's a reasonable sentiment, but look around you. Where are you going to go? If you step out into that hallway, I can guarantee that you'll be a casualty. If you're determined, we won't stop you... but use your head."

The dealer sighed, recognizing that she was right. Where could he go, other than follow them? He doubted security was going to be too careful about distinguishing employee from invader under the circumstances. The casino bigwigs had, after all, left him behind once, so he clearly wasn't on their priority list.

The Twi'lek boy was quicker on his feet, and comprehended the situation instantly. He followed the others without hesitation. Not to say he wasn't afraid - he was clearly nervous - but what choice did he have? At least this way he might not get shot... for a few more minutes.

"Thank you, Dallyn," Lana said. The boy had done well, and her acknowledgement was matter-of-fact.

The panel slid aside to reveal a passageway. A few meters down the corridor, Felix noticed a door. It was fitted loosely, and he smelled outside air around the cracks - on Mek-Sha, he wouldn't call the air "fresh," but at least they had a way out.

"There's an exit here," he told the others. They weren't quite ready to leave yet, though. They still had one last apprentice of Jarek to deal with. At the end of the passageway, there was a door. It was locked, but Lana's lightsaber made short work of it. Inside, a man was frantically smashing computer consoles and stomping on datapads.

"Destroying your work?" Lana observed with a raised eyebrow. Sarcastically, she added, "What a pity."

The man threw up his hands. "What do you people want?" he demanded in a quavering voice. He started edging his foot toward a panel beneath one of the consoles.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Siralai and Keela Mahr

Siralai's comm chirped again, and she sighed. She wasn't eager for another unpleasant surprise today. Her hesitation was confirmed when her sister's image appeared on the display.

"What are you doing?" Keela demanded.

"The usual, I suppose," Siralai replied wearily. She didn't want to end up in yet another circular argument with her sister, but wasn't quite sure how to avoid it.

"Yes, I suppose you are," Keela replied sadly. "And escalating it. You've suddenly acquired all these Sith...?"

"Not your concern."

"...And are harboring them without the permission of the Jedi."

"Nothing to do with the Senate. Also not your concern."

Keela's eyes narrowed. "Perhaps. But my nephew's safety is my concern. When you return to Coruscant, if the Sith are still alive then custody of Ebben will be challenged in court. I suggest you retain an attorney. Not that it will help, once a judge finds out you've endangered him by surrounding him with all these Sith..."

The transmission ended abruptly, leaving Siralai staring into the empty space where her sister's image had been.
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Neva Xolte and Akaavi Spar

Smoke rose from the crackling consoles, the sharp smell of electricity in the air. Neva was pretty used to that smell after years of doing equipment and ship repairs, but somehow in this room it seemed...different. Inside, the energy bounced off the walls and hung in the air thick as fog - her skin prickled - her breathing grew shallow. Some of the screens hadn't been destroyed yet and displayed glimpses of holorecordings as the data was erased. Bodies on tables. People writhing in pain as others stood by and either inflicted it or simply took notes. Bodies on tables.

Akaavi wouldn't have waited if it hadn't been the Sith's spoken wish to end the man. She wouldn't get in the way of someone else's kill. Her eyes flicked around the room, looking for potential surprises, before they fell on the captain. Neva had gone pale. Her hands shook, blaster wobbling uselessly in her right hand. The mandolorian looked to see what she was staring it. Probably nothing that she hadn't seen before. Some people getting experimented on or tortured - it was part of the life of a soldier and hunter to be used to that sort of thing. She thought it strange that the captain wasn't similarly hardened. It wasn't like it was her first time in a tight spot.

A hand came down on her shoulder and Neva gulped down a yelp as she pulled the trigger on her blaster. As the shot ricocheted around the room, she found herself on the floor, with Akaavi's body over her.

"What the hell, Captain?" the woman's voice hissed in her ear. "Get it together."
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Lana Beniko

"I think not," Lana said as the rogue doctor inched his foot toward the panel. She didn't know what he was reaching for - an alarm? trigger for defenses? a failsafe that would blow them all up? - and she wasn't taking the risk. The Sith closed the distance between them in an instant and planted her own booted foot on top of his, preventing him from moving further toward his target.

Her red lightsaber illuminated the space between them with an eerie glow.

"Now, tell me..." she began.

But then a rogue blaster shot went wild.

The doctor, mistaking this for fire upon himself, made a desperate grapple for the blaster concealed in his coat, figuring he had nothing left to lose.

He had quite a bit left to lose, as it turned out, because Felix took him out with a blaster shot of his own before the man managed to aim a weapon.

"Sorry about that," Felix said. "Probably would have been better to interrogate him."

Lana shrugged. "Doubt he would have told us anything useful, and it's better not to have prisoners. That would be a complication we don't need. At least that bit is over now."

Theron spoke quietly into his comm, then told the others, "We're going to put a stop to the slaving going on here, as well as the experimentation. This may be a neutral world, but they've been kidnapping Republic soldiers, and that can't stand. SIS will put an end to this casino front operation. Inconspicuously. But for good."