Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars) - Cont'd

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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Neva Xolte, Akaavi Spar, and Padawan Dallyn

For the briefest of moments, eyes completely unlike the captain's looked up from her face. Hollow, terrified eyes with pupils like pin pricks. One blink and they were once again familiar to Akaavi. Well, perhaps not wholly. They lacked their characteristic mischief. Instead, there was surprise and embarrassment. But, all in all, not totally unfamiliar. The Mandolorian gave Neva one last appraising look before rising to her feet and looking around the room to assess where the shot might have ended up. The only one on the floor was the man they were after, so she considered that a good sign.

Neva had managed to holster her blaster, murmuring apologies to the group as she dusted off her pants. She couldn't quite bring her eyes up to the level of the screens. She wasn't sure what had just happened, but she didn't want it to happen again. Not here. Not now. The why would have to wait until later - they weren't out of the woods yet. Resting her hands on her belt she nodded in Theron's general direction.

"Good, good. Glad they're going to sweep up. So...does that mean we're done here?"

"Only if you make sure you get rid of data pads that don't seem to be connected to the network. I've already scrubbed most of the data off the main computers from here. And uh, uh oh. You guys have um....attracted some attention from the local authorities. They've stormed the place and the chatter suggests that they're on the lookout for a zabrak Mandolorian and a blonde Sith. I two made an impression. Means you should probably keep your heads down if we're all gonna get off this rock."

Dallyn's voice chirped through the comms loud and clear - the bad news along with the good.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Lana Beniko

Lana sighed. "Not exactly a surprise," she said. "We do rather stand out. Wouldn't be the first time."

She pulled up her hood to cover her hair - not that it would make too much difference, since she was clearly still Sith, but it hid her most recognizable feature, and at least shadowed her golden eyes.

Belatedly, she turned to the dealer. "Your employer will be out of business..."

He put his hands up and shook his head. "I'm outta here. I can easily find another job. No offense. You all did right by me. Thanks for saving my life. But I'm moving on to safer digs."

"No offense taken," Lana replied. "Best of luck."

The Twi'lek boy stood rather awkwardly; with that slave collar on, he didn't have the freedom to seek brighter horizons even if he had somewhere to go.

Felix was thinking along the same lines. "There's some kind of... thing... to take that collar off, right? We can't just leave him like this."

The boy flashed him a look of gratitude.

Felix added, "After that, you can come with us, if you want. We'll take you someplace safe."
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Neva Xolte and Akaavi Spar

Right. 'They' weren't quite done - they'd pulled a few people into their orbit on this particular part of the mission - and while the dealer seemed fine on his own, she was glad that Felix was quick to assure the boy that he wouldn't be left in the cold. She began searching the counters and finally found the tool she was looking for. Approaching the kid, she waved at him to turn so she could get to work on the collar.

"Hey, I've popped off a few of these, no worries. And I can get someone to fix you up an ID too. Unless you have a place to be on this rock, I'd recommend someplace else in the galaxy. Almost anyplace else, offence."

Akaavi had utilized a few other tools to secure the hidden entrance against the coming incursion by toeing some metal rods into place and jamming the circuitry. She opened the door to the outside, and scanned the area briefly before ducking back into the control room.

"We're clear out the back, but who knows for how long." She looked down at Neva, adding "Always a pleasure, Captain. Or at least, always interesting."

With that, the Mandolorian activated her helmet and made as stealthy an exit as one could with rocket boots.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Lana Beniko

"Thanks," the boy said, softly but sincerely.

With her hood up - the only concealment she could muster on short notice - Lana prepared to lead them out onto the elevated walkway that served as Mek-Sha's equivalent of a street. But the Twi'lek boy shook his head, raising a hand in a gesture of caution.

His voice shook a little. He was rather intimidated by the Sith, and also very unused to expressing his opinion, because it hadn't been his experience that anyone cared to hear it. In this case, though, it was necessary.

"Not that way," he said. "They'll have sent people already. They'll see us. This way."

He gestured them toward a small passage, almost a tunnel that passed between buildings. Easy to overlook.

Lana regarded him with interest, but caution. They barely knew this lad, after all. They couldn't be sure he was trustworthy. "How do you know?" Lana asked, being careful to keep her tone light - curiosity, not accusation.

"They had me deliver messages," the boy replied. "You learn to get around. When you can't really defend yourself, it's best not to be seen at all."

Lana nodded; she suspected the boy had learned this lesson the hard way.

Sure enough, after numerous twists and turns, they emerged at the bottom of a ladder.

"The Republic docks are that way," the boy said, pointing up. "Just one problem, though. We'll have to cross a bridge out in the open. So be careful."
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Neva Xolte and Padawan Dallyn

The kid's idea had been a good one, which was a mild relief. They still had a lot to do before they could get gone, though. At least Theron's ship was parked here - once they got Lana on her boat, they could just go - provided Visper didn't mind riding without Felix and if she could manage the idea of someone else flying her ship. She supposed it depended on just how dire things were getting after they dropped off the Sith.

The crew climbed to the top of the ladder and crouched behind piles of crates waiting to be carried across the bridge - eyeballing their chances of detection - when there was rumble.

The comms sparked to life as Dallyn rapidly relayed information. "Whoa, did you guys feel that? Looks like the lab we were in just exploded! Oh man, and the holos are blowing up - not literally - but yeah, they're pretty pissed! They're saying that this explosion could destabilize the geology or something? there's a report here saying they just locked down a Sith ship...might have something to do with a skirmish earlier today between a Sith and some dock workers?" There was a moment of awkward silence before the comm crackled to life again. "At least they're currently focused on making sure the asteroid we're sitting on doesn't fall apart?"
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Theron Shan and Lana Beniko

"Excellent!" Theron said.

Lana looked at him like he was crazy. "This asteroid is potentially collapsing around us..."

Theron shook his head. "I doubt it. This isn't the first time Mek-Sha has been rocked a little. They'll figure it out. And this is the perfect cover to get us to my ship. I can ferry us all to where we need to go from here. It's a stroke of luck that we have such a great distraction."

Lana's golden eyes locked onto him like she was staring into his soul. "But my ship. They have my ship."

Theron shrugged. "We'll figure it out once we get out of here."

"They have my ship!"

"We'll get it back somehow. Or we'll get you a new one."

"Get me...? You can't simply... 'get me a new one.' My ship is a top of the line Imperial agent's vessel! It can't be replaced with some Republic rust bucket..."

Felix cut in. "Sorry to interrupt you two, but personally, I would like to get out of here alive. We need to move."

They crossed the bridge toward Theron's ship. Felix shielded the Twi'lek boy with his own body, trying to prevent the kid from being struck by any fallen debris that might have shaken loose in the upheavals.
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Neva Xolte and Padawan Dallyn

While Neva could certainly sympathize with Lana, Felix was right. Now was not the time to debate the worthiness of various ships. She too could see the benefits of having a distraction - albeit a large one - and she spoke into the comms as they ran across the long bridge.

"So who set charges in the lab? I didn't think that was part of the plan."

"Well, we didn't set any. And I went through the security system after the whole poison gas thing to make sure there weren't any other failsafes, so...I'm not sure." The padawan was clearly distracted, but managed to relay the information. "As for the ship...I think if I can get to a console near those docks I could probably slice in and release the locks. There's a lot of activity around there, though. I think they're trying to bust in? You must have a good security system Miss Beniko."

Neva smirked in spite of the situation. She could well imagine the type of security a Sith secret agent might have set up for her vessel. However, security only worked for so long against explosives. Things...were not going well. As they scooted onto Theron's ship, Neva put in her two cents.

"Well, just getting the boots off her ship isn't going to cut it. There's a security field around this rock. If they have her vehicle flagged, it's not getting through without some big guns. And honestly, someone's going to put these pieces together soon enough and if they do, none of our ships are going to be allowed to hit space. Dallyn, much as I hate to say it, you should probably take off with my ship and wait for us outside."

If, she thought belatedly, they could get Visper to leave without Felix.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Theron Shan

The response from Visper was immediate: a loud, vocal, definite refusal to leave Felix behind on the threatened asteroid.

"Okay, hey, cool your jets!" Theron said, putting up a hand to interrupt. "No need for that. Once we're aboard my ship, we'll take off at the same time and rendezvous once we're past the atmosphere. None of our people are getting left here. We're leaving Lana's ship here for now."

Lana began raising an objection to this, but Theron shook his head.

"I said 'for now'. We'll come back for it when we're not in danger of being shaken to bits. Your ship won't be any good to you if you're dead and reduced to flying space junk."

Lana couldn't argue that point. She could argue the next one, though, because Theron went on...

"I'll have the Republic forces impound it--"

"Absolutely not!"

"--Just for show, Lana. Once things cool down, I'll get it back to you. I promise. But right now, the biggest thing is escaping with our lives, and Visper is right. It's better to stick together."

"Fine," Lana said, folding her arms. "But if anything happens, you owe me a ship. A good ship, not..."

"Not a Republic rust bucket, yes, yes, you made that very clear," Theron agreed impatiently. "Fine. Whatever. Let's just get out of here."
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Teizi Lin

She started at the sound of the holo's familiar chirp. It took her a moment to collect her thoughts, rousing from a deep sleep confounding her efforts. Finally, she realized that she was lying on her bed in her ship's quarters and that the holo was definitely for her. With no small effort, she rolled to her feet and stumbled to the holoprojector, rubbing her face with her hands in an attempt to bring herself more into the present. When she finally silenced the call by picking it up, it was none other than Dallyn on the other end.

"Master! I just wanted to let you know we're on our way...back. Master, are you alright?"

The boy was clearly busy at a set of controls and had seemingly only just been able to take a glance at Teizi's image. He looked a bit shocked and she wondered just how bad her hair was. Her own reply was a bit on the husky side, but in the same carefully neutral tone she'd cultivated for years.

"Fine, Padawan, thank-you. Was your mission a success?"

"It was, Master. I anticipate giving you my report upon our return. Oh, I have to go. I'm piloting Neva's vessel - I promised her I wouldn't crash it."

His holo image winked out before she could reply. Things must not have gone very well - she couldn't imagine what would have had to transpire for the Captain not to be at the helm of her own ship. Still, if there had been casualties, she would have expected her padawan to have the presence of mind to inform her of that much. She'd know the answer soon enough. Until then, she had some preparations to make.

Teizi wasn't sure when she'd lay down, let alone fallen asleep, and chided herself for her carelessness. She supposed that talking to so many Jedi about a rather sensitive topic had been taxing. Strange that talking could exhaust her more than battle, but past experience suggested that this was still something she needed to work on. Diplomacy was one thing, in-depth conversation about politics and beliefs and suspicions...quite another. It had been worth it, though. She was heartened by most of the reports she'd gotten from Tython, as much as a few others had worried her. Still, it was mostly good news that she could take to Siralai regarding the Council's position on events here on Rishi, though she wished it were moreso good news on the Sith part of the events.

Cleaned up and robes refreshed, Teizi left for the local market. She chose a small loaf of brown bread for herself and put together a grocery order to be delivered to the house. She did feel rather guilty that she and her padawan had been taking advantage of the Mahr's hospitality and wanted to extend something in return. Tearing off small pieces of the loaf, she rolled them in her fingers before placing them carefully in her mouth, eyes wandering over stalls, buildings and animals in equal measure. She had a feeling that she wouldn't be enjoying the weather of Rishi for much longer - not with the inquiries she'd made lately. Teizi suspected that she and her padawan would be sent elsewhere soon enough, if not outright recalled to Tython. Jesk had a following - that was the bad news she wished she could keep to herself. Just how far his reach went remained to be seen, but something warned her not to underestimate it.
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Re: Mek-Sha Nightlife (Star Wars)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Neva Xolte

It had been awhile since she’d been on a ship and hadn’t been the one at the helm. A really long while…well, except for her recent trip aboard a Fury. An involuntary shudder straightened her spine and made her inhale sharply. Embarrassed that a memory could have such a profound – and visible – effect on her, Neva sought some privacy. She poked around Theron’s ship until she found the crew quarters and hopped up into what appeared to be an unused bunk.

It was high time she got her head on straight. But how was she supposed to do that when she didn’t even know why she had these moments where terror consumed her and blocked out everything else? Someone could have been killed by her errant blaster fire back in that casino and she’d only have herself to blame. So where was it? The thing that picked her up and tossed her back onto that table with no rhyme or reason – and seemingly little effort.

She stared up at the ceiling, knees bent with one ankle crossed over the opposite knee, arms behind her head. Her body didn’t ache now like it had when she’d finally come to aboard Pyrran’s ship. So if her body was over it, why wasn’t the rest of her?